Sidewalks on Private Property
It is the responsibility of the owner to clear snow from sidewalks on their property. This ensures the safety and convenience of pedestrians or customers, so that they will not be forced to walk in the narrow, plowed street where drivers may experience less control over their vehicles. 

Snowblowers should direct the chute away from the roadways and storm drains to keep them clear once they have been plowed. See also During The Storm.

In 2015, it became a rule of law that all Massachusetts property owners can be held legally responsible for failing to remove snow and ice from their property.

Public Sidewalks
Due to limited resources, the Norwell Highway Division maintains sidewalks in the town center, town-owned facilities and schools, and in the following areas.

Main St, South St, Grove St, High St, Forest St and Washington St. 

Sidewalks of development cul de sacs, pathways or trailways are not plowed by the Town of Norwell. 
See also Sidewalks under Highway Division