- Last Updated: Dec 30, 2017,3: pm Dec 30, 2017,3: pm
Please ensure that the curbside pickup of recyclables or trash containers are not in or at the edge of roadway as this interferes with snow removal efforts.
Materials placed on top of snowbanks can present a safety hazard for collection personnel, and can result in damage to containers by snowplows. It’s a safety hazard for collection crews to retrieve items and lift them down off the snowbank. And items cannot be removed at all if they are frozen in the snow.
It’s not safe to have our snowplow operators maneuver around containers set out onto the road. Containers can be blown over or struck by snowplows, resulting in accumulation of litter beneath the snow.
Here are some more winter collection tips:
- Clear out a place for your containers when you shovel snow.
- If a storm is occurring during overnight hours, wait until morning to place your material at the curbside.