- Last Updated: Feb 8, 2022,1: pm Feb 8, 2022,1: pm
The following are examples of some of the services and duties of the Engineering Department:
- Technical review assistance for the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, Board of Selectmen and other Town departments with site development plans (Site Plan Review, Subdivision, Stormwater, Form A, 40B Site Development, Scenic Roads, Paper Streets, etc.)
- Provide engineering assistance with property line advisements, infrastructure design & construction, plan review, construction layout, utility mark-outs and research for public roadways.
- Engineering Planning, Design and Survey for town projects
- Review of Engineering Reports provided by town-approved consultants
- Management of the State Stormwater Program for compliance with stormwater discharges from the MS4 stormwater infrastructure
- Assist with Dam Safety Inspections
- Management of Topographical and Location Surveys as needed for Town projects
- Infrastructure Data Collection in the field by GPS
- Establishment of Street Line to determine Tree Ownership
- Construction Inspection
- Cost Estimating (Roadways, Sidewalks, Site Work, etc.)
- Technical Review and Site Inspection of all New Residential construction projects
- Technical Review and Site Inspection of all Minor Residential expansion projects
- Technical Review of all Commercial construction projects
- Maintain Records of Engineering Plans and Documents
- Review of street acceptances
- Coordinate with Consultants on various projects
- Preparation of grants & bidding packages for town engineering related projects
- Project representation for town building and construction projects
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Operations
- Review and approve Licensed Contractors
- Annual Budget Preparation
- Prepare department-wide Capital Program
- Counter assistance for engineering related matters
- Prepare Town articles relating for department for Town projects