- Last Updated: Sep 6, 2023,1: pm Sep 6, 2023,1: pm
The Tree and Grounds Division is responsible for maintenance of trees on public grounds, town-owned land and within the public right of way along streets and easements. The Division will prune and remove hazardous trees and limbs when necessary and replant where appropriate.
The Town is responsible for and will pick up limbs and debris caused by storm damage to trees in a Town tree row. We will not pick up lims, trees, debris or trimmings from a homeowner's yard. Disposal of material cur from a homeowner's yard is the responsibility of the homeowner.
2023-2024 Activities:
- With cooperation from National Grid, an extensive tree removal program on River Street, South Street and Main Street. Including the removal of hundred of stumps and the replanting of 50-75 new trees.
- New trees townwide.