MASS DOT construction on State roads, as well as periodic construction of gas lines, water lines and power lines may cause delays. Please take these into account when driving in Norwell.

Bridge Reconstruction on Route 3

Two bridges over High St in Norwell and Webster St (Route 123) in Hanover.

Removing of median, creation of temporary detours while rebuilding bridges.
Traffic will be rerouted back to the bridge when done.

Expect delays and road closures over next 2 years.

Read more: Bridge Reconstruction on Route 3

Main Street Water Line Replacement Project

From Neal Gate Street to Route 3A at the Scituate line.

A 12-inch water line is being installed by Naughton Construction Company in conjunction with the Scituate Water Department.  
Expected completion in December 2017.

Final repavement will be in 2018.

Read more: Main Street Water Line Replacement Project

River Street Gas Line Replacement Project


From Norwell town line to intersection of Common St and River St.

A 12-inch gas line is being installed by Feeney Brothers, to be completed December 2017.
Columbia Gas is connecting all services, and taking the old gas line out of commission.
Expect delays and detours, which may be different from day to day.  

Final repavement will be in 2018.

Read more: River Street Gas Line Replacement Project