Prior to the construction of a driveway, an owner shall make written application for approval to the Building Inspector. Driveways shall meet the following design requirements. 
  1. Entrances shall be located to the best advantage with regard to street alignment, profile, sight distance and safety conditions.
  2. Driveways shall be located through the frontage of said land.
  3. Driveway grades and locations shall be such as to provide for an access for emergency vehicles including fire and police.
  4. All driveways from the edge of the road surface to a point 15 feet onto the property shall be no less than 12 feet, and no more than 24 feet wide.
  5. No driveway shall be located along the street line closer than 25 feet to any street intersection.
  6. Driveways must not cause hazardous ice buildup due to drainage into public roads. 

Subject to Planning Board and Bylaw review.