Application should be submitted for approval to the Cemetery Liaison prior to any work being started so there is no question concerning the acceptance of the proposed memorial. Acceptance of this application and of the initial payment does not constitute complete approval. The application is accepted with the condition that the memorial or marker is subject to a final inspection to ensure it is in compliance with all cemetery rules and regulations and with the specifications that were originally submitted. A current Price Sheet is available through the Cemetery Liaison, and checks may be payable to the Town of Norwell and should be included with this application.

Cemetery Application for Memorialization/Inscription

Application for Memorialization/Inscription
Applicant Information
Heir/Legal Representative

To be prepared by the Memorialist only.

Sketch of Memorial showing all dimensions; size and description of symbols, photo medallions, and lettering on all surfaces (or attach drawing to application).

Base Size:

Attach sketches of FRONT and BACK (two files)